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Castlevania - Boss fight
Castlevania - Level 1
Castlevania - Level 2
Castlevania - Level 3
Castlevania 2 - Password screen
Castlevania 2 - Town
Castlevania 2 - Woods
Castlevania 2 - Night
Castlevania 2 - Mansion
Castlevania 2 - Dracula's Castle - with octaves
Castlevania 2 - Dracula's Castle - without octaves
Castlevania 2 - Dracula fight
Castlevania 2 - Ending
Castlevania 2 - Game Over
Double Dragon - Stronghold
Double Dragon 2 - Undersea Base
Dragon Warrior - Title screen
Dragon Warrior - Castle
Dragon Warrior - Town
Dragon Warrior - Cave
Dragon Warrior - Overworld
Friday the 13th - with echo notes
Friday the 13th - without echo notes
Legend of Zelda - Dungeon
Metroid - Title screen
Metroid - Game start
Metroid - Brinstar
Metroid - Kraid
Metroid - Norfair
Metroid - Ridley
Metroid - Item room
Metroid - Item collect
Metroid - Tourain
Metroid - Mother Brain
Metroid - Escape
Metroid - Ending
Mega Man 2 - Bubble Man
Super Mario Bros - Beat Castle
Super Mario Bros - Ending
Super Mario Bros 2 - Overworld
Super Mario Bros 2 - Inside
Super Mario Bros 2 - Boss fight
Super Mario Bros 2 - Wart
Super Mario Bros 2 - Ending Fanfare
Super Mario Bros 2 - Mario Dreams
Super Mario Bros 3 - World Map Tunes
Super Mario Bros 3 - Underwater
Super Mario Bros 3 - Mushroom House
Super Mario Bros 3 - Warp Zone
Super Mario Bros 3 - Falling Through Sky
Super Mario Bros 1, 2, 3 - Star Theme
Tetris - Song A
Uninvited - Headache
Uninvited - Haunted House
Uninvited - Chorale
Uninvited - Southern Belle